There are many worlds from many stories. Some full of dangerous creatures, others covered in frozen sheets of ice, even a few with little teddy bears with sharp sticks.
But do any of them have a skate park?
If you had to live in one of the worlds from all of those stories that we have all read, seen, and enjoyed which one would it be? If you had to live somewhere what would be the things that were most important? and I really mean live there. Not start on some random moisture farm to be whisked away to join a random old man on some damned fool adventure. If you had to spend the next 50+ years some where, where would that place be?
Let’s look at some options based on 4 key criteria most people would say are important to living some place.
- 1. Economic standards: Are there good jobs, is the economy growing, a total lack of goons coming around asking for protection money
- 2. Least likely to be attacked by bad guys: Is there an insurrection by the people every Tuesday or some galactic empire that comes a knock’n for new recruits regularly
- 3. Good place to raise kids: What kind of schools do they have, places to play that aren’t filled with turrets that fire lasers
- 4. Entertainment options and culture: What are their arts districts like, how is the local quidditch team these days, can you get froyo delivered by a unicorn

Cloud City
- 1. Economic standards: The gas mining business is pretty much the only game in town. But if that’s your thing, this is your kind of place.
- 2. Least likely to be attacked by bad guys: Well, there was this one time…
- 3. Good place to raise kids: Not unless you want them to grow up singing “Coal Miner’s Daughter” with a bit of a space cowboy twang to it.
- 4. Entertainment options and culture: Friday night is toss the droid parts with the Ugnaughts and there is that one guy with the ice cream maker. He’s really popular there.

Mushroom Kingdom
- 1. Economic standards: They live on the gold coin standard. There is always a need for new workers to help build towers, bridges, and pipes. So many pipes.
- 2. Least likely to be attacked by bad guys: I recommend moving into Toad’s house until the whole Koopa issue is dealt with
- 3. Good place to raise kids: The schools are lacking but the playgrounds are killer
- 4. Entertainment options and culture: Do you like shell games and sounds of whistles?

The city from Logan’s Run
- 1. Economic standards: Now work, no worries. It’s all play all the time.
- 2. Least likely to be attacked by bad guys: Just don’t run and you’ll be fine
- 3. Good place to raise kids: Not really an issue
- 4. Entertainment options and culture: Every kind of entertainment you can imagine, the 18 – 24 demo is king, and you really should check out Carrousel. It’s like a sci-fi Cirque Du Soleil.

Evangelion – Tokyo-3

- 1. Economic standards: Lex Corp is always hiring and the newspaper industry still exists
- 2. Least likely to be attacked by bad guys: Bad stuff happen but as long as big blue is there things should be fine. Well, as long as Zac Snyder isn’t involved.
- 3. Good place to raise kids: One hell of a great role model that’s for sure
- 4. Entertainment options and culture: Having a dull afternoon? Just look to the sky and wait.

- 1. Economic standards: Sunny California suburb with all the things you would expect. Your local main street stores, assortment of parks, and a subterranean mystical portal that attracts evil forces.
- 2. Least likely to be attacked by bad guys: 50/50 is not the worst odds
- 3. Good place to raise kids: A great training ground for some bad ass teens
- 4. Entertainment options and culture: Lot’s of choice spots to make new friends. Like dark alleyways, abandoned factories, and a variety of gothic cemeteries.

The Walled City
- 1. Economic standards: Trades a bit tight as of late. Might be a bad time to buy a house.
- 2. Least likely to be attacked by bad guys: It depends. Which wall are you most behind?
- 3. Good place to raise kids: They have this new ‘scared straight’ program that’s all the rage
- 4. Entertainment options and culture: Do you like running away from things?