The Only Arms Race That Really Mattered: The Damp War

I was working on this week’s blog post, “the arms race which was upgrading your Super Soaker water gun in the summer of the 1990s”, when I found a blog post that had everything I was working on already.  So …slight change of plans.
1. You all should read this blog post about the battle for water gun supremacy that happened across many neighborhoods, including my own, across American in the 1990s: The Race for Super Soaker Supremacy
2. Find out which Super Soaker you are!
I made a personality quiz just for all of you. Now you can find out if you’re the classic Super Soaker 50, duel wielding Super Soaker 30, or the behemoth Super Soaker 300.
Let me know which Super Soaker you got and if you had any of these when you were a kid how they helped make your summers more damp.